Cultivate Labs Support Article

Cultivate Labs Support Articles

Quick Start Guide for Admins

You can access most of the Administrator functionality (e.g., publishing questions, creating challenges, inviting users, resolving questions, etc.) on your Admin "home":

  • Go to the dropdown on the upper right-hand side of the screen next to your avatar
  • Select ADMIN
  • You will see your full list of controls along the left-hand navigation bar 

If you don't see Admin under your dropdown, and you should be an Admin, please contact us.

After you've found all the admin options, here are some quick tips to get started:

1. Craft your first question. Click QUESTIONS in the left panel, then click CREATE A NEW QUESTION. Follow the prompts and you can publish a question immediately. There is no limit on how many questions you can publish.

2. If you want to group your questions,  you can create a CHALLENGE or TAGS to add some tags. Then, you can go back and assign those to the questions you’ve created. 

3. Go to SITE SETTINGS to see what else you’d like to configure, and USERS to start inviting people.  

4. To get to the question you created, click QUESTIONS in the top navigation bar and choose ALL QUESTIONS. Now click on your question and make a forecast. 

Feel free to use the CONTACT US in the bottom left of the site. A support ticket will immediately be created that we'll respond to, usually in minutes, or you can write to

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